Friday, July 19, 2013

My Song 4 Mommy
She's an American Girl
Don't you agree Daddy?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Chupacabra aka My Sister

Finally she admits it!

Baby Brianna Summer

First off ... I ♥ my human mommy. She saved me from some crazy cat lady in Florida that named me Baby Brianna Summer (pauses to let name sink in with readers) Done?! Ok good. Now lets dissect everything that is wrong with that foulness. first glance nothing is wrong with that. Its cute I suppose, but how about once I'm grown....

Brianna.....I like this name but I have a problem with people naming their animals human names (no offense) get creative people! Even though mommy names her dogs after dead singers (Elvis & Selena) I forgive her.

Summer....ok now this is where I get confused. Why add summer to all that? Baby Brianna is bad enough but the addition of Summer makes me offense (like I care)

Baby Brianna Summer = hot mess express. I never did come to that no matter how many times I'd be called that, but once I heard mommy call me Meowschwitz I knew I'd found my person!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


I decided for the fourth I'd make Daddy look festive....

For Blu's photo I decided to try and make her look decent. you can see she's a lost cause...

As for mommy you can see the mothership has returned to take her home. Bye mommy I will miss you

Twitter. ..

Happy 4th to all my faithful readers out there.

Just want to remind everyone to follow me on twitter @meowschwitzb